Friday 12 June 2020

Math Fun in Room 16

Saturday 13th June 2020

Kia  Ora Whanau

We have had a busy week in room 16. I am busy writing attitude reports for my class and wea are  helping room 12 paint  paddles for the waka we are creating for Akau bling, bling.

Lots of math has been happening in room 16.  We have been learning about numbers to 10  and  how we show represent numbers by sets.

Today we found 2 monarch butterflies in the flower box's

Honor and Putiputi learning to represent numbers

Sean can record the number 4.

Today the tamariki were matching Lower case and Upper case letters. Jayden can now recognise his name.

Anytime you are free. Please pop into room 16 to say hi or spend some time with us. We always have kai handy.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Birchall and Room 16


  1. Nice photos, they're lovely.I like maths too.

  2. I love that they're learning more.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. they all look cute in the photos.
