Saturday 29 February 2020

Whaea Rhonda's support in room 14

Term 1, week 5

Kia Ora whanau/Caregivers

It's been another busy week in room 14.  The tamariki have been busy learning  how to identify and read basic sight words. They have been learning how to write a simple sentence that has 1 idea.

For Math we have learnt how to join 2 numbers together to make a set or group. The tamariki have been learning new math vocabulary such as the word number bonds.

Whaea Rhonda comes  into room 14 twice a week assisting the tamariki with their alphabet knowledge. It's great to see Raymin  feeling confident as he can decode  and read these words.

I captured some photos of their learning this week.

Raymin and Ardijah wrote a simple sentence copied from the white board.

Drea is learning to read words from essential list 1

Making a number sentence 3+2=5

Raymin and Whaea Rhonda  learning to recognise basic sight words

Kaikohe is still very short of water.  We have been talking about conserving water. Please ask your child what  you can do to help. Readers have been going home this week. Please read with your child each night to encourage reading fluency.  Don't forget to sign their reading log. Every night your child reads they get a sticker. Once they get  20 stickers they can choose out of then treasure box.

Have a great weekend and keep saving water!!

Mrs Birchall and Room 14

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Bubbles and water conservation

Term 1, week 5

Kia Ora Whanau

It's been a really busy week in room 14. I have 6 new entrants in room 14.

It's awesome to have Peter, Honor, Kopa, Jayden, Temperance and Ranginui joining us as new learners in room 14.

Since Week 4, Whaea Tiny has been our full time teacher aide in room 14. Before coming at work at our school Tiny worked at Kaikohe New World in isle 5.

If you see her around school make sure to say hello!!

I captured some fantastic photos over the last week.
Bubble fun with Whaea Tiny

More bubbles......

Our new water tank installed behind the office block

Kopa and Hayleigh-Ani  received their attendance certificate for 100% attendance. Super proud of them  both.

Please enjoy reading our blog and if you have time please comment!

Have a great week.
Mrs Birchall and room 14

Saturday 15 February 2020

Valentine's day in room 14

Term 1, week 3, 2020

Kia Ora Whanau

On Friday was Valentine's day. I wanted the children to create something special  for their Mum or Nan. For someone who they cared about.

Makere is showing her  Valentine's day card that she made for her Mum.

The children needed to listen to instructions, think about fractions as they folded their piece of paper in 2 equal parts. Colour in a love heart, glue heart in the correct place, copy key words off the board then cut and glue their poem of the week, red rose and valentine's day message. At the end the tamariki cut out little red hearts to decorate their Valentine's day card.

All of the tamariki  tried their best and never gave up even though it was a long process!!

I loved it when we had tamariki who finished early, they helped their friends  with the tricky bits.

We are having a meet the teacher  catch up on Tuesday afternoon from 3.30-5pm. I hope to see and meet many new whanau.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Birchall and Room 14

Friday 7 February 2020

Welcome to 2020

Term 1, week 2

Kia Ora Whanau and Caregivers

Welcome to 2020. It's going to be  an exciting year. I am really enjoying getting to know my new class of year 1 tamariki.

Thank you  to all the whanau that have brought their stationary. It's a great start!

WATER is becoming very precious and limited. Could you please bring a water bottle from home  filled with water and not Juice. This will help your tamariki survive  and cope  through this hot weather.

I captured some photos through these  2 short weeks
Honor is a new tamariki in room 14.

The boys were practicing writing their name

The girls were highly involved in their play dough learning.

Makere and  Jessie-Ray being creative  together.

This is Peter, it was his first day of school!

Please enjoy following our blog through the year. I will update  whanau of all important notices and learning from your tamariki through the year.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Birchall and Room 14